There was no 4G coverage here in Berkeley so, for now, all the tests were run on the 3G network.
Download speed: ~500 Kbps
Upload speed: ~120Kbps
Supposedly the 4G network is 10x faster. That would make the connection speed similar to the one I have at home. That would be 5Mbps down and 1.2 Mbps up. That's pretty amazing.
The live the tv feature is pretty incredible. And the fast that the data is being carried over the 3G network is actually quite impressive.
The keyboard facility is not as bad as I expected it to be. Although it's seriously lacking in comparison to the keyboard on the droid or the G1.
Battery life. It might be a good idea to really run some battery tests on this thing. Live TV, Access Point feature, etc. Those things have really got to drain the battery. It's likely a function of the cellular radio's duty cycle. Probably easy to do the 'back-of-the-envelope' calculation to figure out how long the battery is expected to last.
The screen is huge, and clearly this also drain the battery.
Not all 3G networks are create equal. It comparison to T-mobile's 3G network in this area, there really is no comparison. The Sprint 3G network is significantly better than the t-mobile network. I can barely hold a voice call for my drive from school which is only 3 miles/10 minutes aways by car.
Radio -- it has one and it's awesome. I put on some headphone and was able to get local radio stations. Radio hasn't been integrated into any of my devices and that has made it very difficult to keep up with radio shows I hear in the morning on my way to school. Not all the stations I listen to have online/streaming audio stations, so when i turn the car off upon arrival, no more radio show.
More to come....
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